Congratulations to the following NBS students on their amazing achievements from 2021 and 2022! Don’t see your achievements here? Message us at [email protected] with a picture of your NBS student with their instrument, award, etc. and a list of their achievements from 2021-2022. Suri Ahn (VIOLIN): Second Place, Tri County Youth Festival Junior Strings 2022 Second Place, Bucks County Youth…

Summer Registration is now open! Click here to register:

Our Summer Camp is coming! Here are the student schedules for each week of camp. BOOT CAMP – July 18-22 Monday-Thursday ScheduleFriday, Classes up to 2:00 and Family concert from 2:15-3:45 PM 8:45-9:00 Check-in9:00-10:00- Music Theory/History Dr. Alexander younger group, Classical/Romantic Periods9:00-10:00- Sibelius composition computer notation program with Dr, Jean Francois Proulx – Older Group10:15-11:15 – Switch groups11:15-12:00 -Ice cream…

NBS faculty member Jean-Francois Proulx will be teaching an introduction to Sibelius music composition software at our Summer Camps! He will be teaching this course both at our “Boot Camp” from July 18-22 and our “Renaissance and Baroque” camp from August 1-5. Older students will learn about the features of this wonderful program that let’s you write and print any…

We are so proud of all our winners in the 2022 “Celebration of the Arts” student competition. Click here to see pictures from our in-person competition round in February, and purchase tickets for the upcoming winners’ and Gala Concerts this weekend at Neumann University!

We are very excited to congratulate and present the participants in our bi-annual Music Technique Skills-Building Scales & Studies Competition, judged by NBS faculty members Dr. Anna Kislitsyna (piano), James Anemone (piano), Sandra VandeGeijn (violin), Justin Goldsmith (cello) and Joe Dvorak (winds). The Nelly Berman School is proud to be one of the few community music schools in the United States to have a…

Congratulations to Torsten Fras, student of Dr. Anna Kislitsyna, on his Gold Medal win at the London Young Musician Competition! This international competition highlights talented musicians with excellent skills, strong personalities, and extraordinary creativity. He also recently won the II Prize at the International Moscow Music Competition performing C.P.E. Bach Harpsichord Sonata. Congratulations to Alyssa Gabrilovich, student of Igor Resnianski, who…

We would like to invite you to a very special performance by NBS student Torsten Fras, student of Anna Kislitsyna! He has worked all summer to prepare a solo recital for The Main Line Baroque Music Society, which he founded. Torsten will be performing on the double manual harpsichord works from Handel, Rameau, and Bach. This event will take place…