
Janene Montlouis is a Project Management Professional (PMP) in the Greater Philadelphia area. The guiding star of her career has been inspired by the Walt Disney quote “If you can dream it, you can build it.”  

With over 25 years of experience in Marketing and Event Management, Janene is known for driving brand growth and cultivating customer loyalty through creating, building and executing powerful on-site and virtual event experiences. She most recently served as the Seminar Manager for Ascension Publishing where she was responsible for overseeing the execution of hundreds of events and seminars to build brand loyalty by educating, informing and WOWing our customers. Creating community and human connection is integral to her efforts. At the end of the day, it is all about human connection. 

Janene holds a bachelor’s degree in Politics from St. Joseph’s University and was awarded a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship to complete postgraduate studies in Politics at the University of Melbourne. She is passionate about classical music and, through her work on the NBS Classical Music Institute, hopes to support and advance classical music education for all students.