Guidelines and Policies

2024-25 Nelly Berman School of Music Policies

Fall Semester Deposit & Annual Registration

DUE Monday, September 2 (before the start of the semester):

  1. Fall Semester Deposit (first payment towards semester tuition): $350 PER STUDENT applied towards fall semester lessons tuition
  2. Annual Registration Fee: $120 for the first student, $65 for the second student, free for any additional students (Includes unlimited performance classes participation* from September – May)

**Families are automatically registered for lessons every week, and are required to pay for the entire semester, without deducting for lessons they did not take (see “Attendance and Makeup” policy below).**

The annual registration fee also includes:

  • *Unlimited weekly performance class opportunities from September through May, and then in July and August. Performance classes allow students to get feedback from a teacher and peers, and to practice performing in front of their peers and parents, which is very different than practicing at home or playing for their teacher during lessons. These classes include peer participation, promote self-confidence, and prepare students to perfect their pieces for their concert performances on the big stage and various competitions.
Payment Information & Remaining Tuition Due Dates for 2024-25
  • All families will be receiving their invoices by Monday, September 23rd and may elect to pay the rest of the invoice for their tuition in full. Otherwise, you can choose to pay the rest in two equal installments. Important dates for remaining payment are as follows:

Monday, September 23: Office sends invoices for fall semester

DUE Tuesday, October 1: First Installment or remaining tuition in full

DUE Friday, November 1: Second (Final) Installment

Monday, November 18: $25 late fee incurred for past-due fall semester payment

Payment Methods:
  • Zelle [to (610) 213-3457, account name “Elaine Berman” –  please take a screenshot of your confirmation and email it to [email protected] for our records and include the name of your student in the payment description.]
  • Check (made payable to “NBS” or “Nelly Berman School of Music”) which can be mailed to our school address: 461 W. Lancaster Ave., Haverford, PA 19041, or dropped off in the office. If paying when the office is closed, please leave the check in an envelope with the student’s name on it on the desk beneath the sliding glass window.
  • Cash (in exact change only) in an envelope labeled with the amount and Student’s name. If paying when the office is closed, please leave the envelope on the desk beneath the sliding glass window.
Attendance and Make-Up Policies
  • We schedule lessons and bill on a semester basis for the Fall, Winter, and Spring semesters. If you are not able to start lessons during the first week of the semester, please contact the office so that we can schedule make-ups.
  • Regular attendance is essential for the student’s progress.
  • Families are automatically registered for lessons every week, and are required to pay for the entire semester, without deducting for lessons they did not take. Tuition will not be refunded for missed lessons.
  • In the case of a teacher being absent for concerts or personal reasons, those lessons must be paid for and made up. If the primary teacher’s days and times are not possible for the family, a substitute teacher will be provided.
  • Please note that teachers are only required to give two (2) last-minute make-up lessons per semester for any lesson cancellations within 24 hours of the lesson, or after the office closes at 7 PM on Fridays for lessons on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
  • Four (4) make-up lessons in total will be allowed per semester. ONLY two (2) last-minute cancellations will be allowed to be made-up. Last-minute cancellations include lessons canceled within 24 hours of the lesson, or after the office closes at 7 PM on Fridays for lessons on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Students should ideally be attending all lessons. We understand that there are unavoidable circumstances and will work with you when those arise. Please keep in mind that scheduling make-ups is a lot of work for the office and requires teachers to change their busy schedules. You should be mindful not to exceed the four (4) make-ups allowed.
  • The teacher may choose to make up the missed lessons in one of four ways. (1) Adding extra time to an existing lesson (2) A lesson on another day (3) An online lesson or (4) A lesson where another teacher will be brought in to substitute.
  • Make-ups must be completed during the semester in which the lessons were missed or during the break between the current and following semester.
  • Chamber or group lessons missed by the student do not qualify for a make-up lesson and will not be deducted from your tuition.
  • If all members of a chamber group are away at the same time and notify the office more than 48 hours in advance(excluding Friday evenings-the weekend), then the lesson will qualify for a make-up.
  • When the Nelly Berman School closes due to inclement weather, all lessons that day must be paid for and made up, or held online that day.


Withdrawal Policy
  • I understand and agree that if I wish to withdraw myself or my children from lessons in the middle of a semester (Fall, Winter or Spring), I need to give a two (2) week notice, and will be held financially responsible for those two weeks of lessons, and 
  • In case of withdrawal, the school will arrange to try a different teacher or different instrument.
  • I understand and agree that, even if I withdraw from the Nelly Berman School of Music, I cannot ask any member(s) of the Nelly Berman School faculty to teach myself or my children privately.
  • If you withdraw in the middle of a semester and have already paid in full, you will receive a refund for the lessons after the two-week notice is up.
  • If you withdraw at the beginning of a semester, you must notify us two (2) weeks in advance, so that we can fill the spot on that teacher’s schedule without causing disruption in their schedule.


Family/School Vacations/Holidays
  • Please keep in mind the beginning and ending dates of each NBS semester (September 4th – December 23rd for the fall semester). You will soon be able to see the full NBS Calendar on our website at Lessons missed on holidays that are not observed by the Nelly Berman School must still be made up. If you know in advance that you will be starting a semester late or leaving before the end of the semester, please notify the office in advance, and work out make-up dates.
  • NBS does not observe all regular school/federal holidays. Here is a list of holidays observed by NBS: New Year’s Day (January 1), Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4), Labor Day, Thanksgiving (Thursday through Sunday following Thanksgiving), and Christmas (December 25th). In addition, our Winter Break is from December 24th through January 1st.


Video Sharing and Attribution
  • Students and parents may share videos of performances, practice sessions, or recitals on public platforms, provided they credit the Nelly Berman School of Music in the video description or post. Use of the school’s name should be positive and respectful, and consent must be obtained before sharing videos featuring other students.


Email Communication from NBS
  • Email is our primary method of communication for important updates, announcements, and other school-related information. It’s essential to check your email regularly to stay informed about events, schedules, and changes.
  • Please “reply all” or copy [email protected] on all emails so that your message reaches our whole team.


Weekly Performance Classes – Saturdays (Time TBA):

We recommend students participate often in our Performance Classes to gain confidence in performing in front of a small audience and to receive feedback on their performance. For non-pianists, there is a wonderful opportunity to play with piano accompaniment and hear the way their piece was conceived by the composer. Piano performance classes take place three times a month, string performance class once a month, and winds, brass and voice every two months. Non-piano students must play with an accompanist if their piece is written with piano accompaniment. A rehearsal with the accompanist needs to be scheduled two weeks before the performance class by emailing the office. Talk to your teacher about which piece your student will benefit from performing. A sign-up form is sent out to all students monthly. 

Accompaniment Information

The price of a rehearsal with one NBS’s many talented accompanist is based on their 30/45/60 minute regular lesson fees. There is also an accompanist fee for the day of a performance class or performance. This is a sliding fee based on the difficulty of the accompaniment part and compensates the teacher for accompanying at the class.

Rising Stars Concert Series – December and June (Dates TBA)
Solo and Concerto Competition Judged by Internationally-Renown Musicians – January, Date TBA

For the Baroque/Classical Concerto Competition, 8 students will be chosen for a chance to perform with our NBS Faculty String Quartet.